On www.SAhouseplans.co.za at the page of the plan of your choice, Click the “Add to Cart” button.
Then Click ” Proceed To Checkout ”
- Remember to fill in your billing info
- Select a method of payment :
- : Bank Transfer = EFT transfer
- : PAYFAST = Secure Credit Card payment via PayFast.
Check the “Terms & Conditions” box.
After This Click ” Place Order ”
We will then be notified of the order for the plan.
Once we receive the order and proof of payment You will receive an email with Download link within 2 working days.
The price includes digital copies (PDF,CAD Drawings) of plans minus the Site Plan as we do not place the plan on your stand.
The plans are correct for the council except that you’ll need someone to place your stand on the plan and see to approval by council.
You buy the plans “as is”
We supply you with :
A Download package including
– Plan Layouts in PDF Format,
– CAD drawings
– 3D’s
We do not see to or are responsible for: council approval
or any changes to be made on the plans (unless agreed upon before sale)
Bank Details:
FNB Account Name : Sa Houseplans
Current account: 62685765748
Branch : 250655
Ref. : Your name and Plan number
Email us the Proof of Payment so we know where to send the plans
You can also use the PayFast system for credit card purchases.
We also have a PAYPAL Account , just email us if you wish to use PAYPAL.
SAhouseplans.co.za as well as the architects, draughtsman and plans examiners employed by SAhouseplans.co.za, have put substantial care and effort into the design and documentation of our house plans. However, because we cannot provide on-site consultation, supervision and control over actual construction, and because of variance in the application of local building requirements, building practices and soil, seismic, weather and other conditions, we cannot make any warranty, express or implied, with respect to the content or use of our plans or documentation, including but not limited to any warranty of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Slight variances may occur between the information presented on the website and the actual building plans with regard to, but not limited to floor areas, dimensions, building costs etc.The information contained on this website only serves as guidelines on the specific matters and is not intended to be comprehensive in the advice on offer. It is recommended that professional advice always be sought on specific matters. SAhouseplans.co.za or its employees expressly disclaim all liability to any person in respect of the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance upon the contents of this website or the building plans bought from SAhouseplans.co.za. It is important to take note of all the information and advice on offer on the website.
It is the responsibility of the home owner buying a plan on SAhouseplans.co.za, to complete the site plan and drainage layout on the building plans, to submit and approve the plans at the local authority and to pay all fees applicable to the local authority, the NHBRC etc. Take note that all plans are designed for level sites.
No Returns
It is important to note that NO building plans can be returned to SAhouseplans.co.za after delivery, unless SAhouseplans.co.za have delivered the incorrect plans from what had been ordered SAhouseplans.co.za will send the correct plans at no extra cost. It is therefore very important to make the correct decision regarding size, overall dimensions, direction of entry, orientation etc. before ordering your plans.
These designs are protected under the terms of the South African Copyright law and may not be copied or reproduced in any way, by any means. We authorize the use of your chosen design as an aid in the construction of one single family home only. You may not use this design to build a second or multiple dwellings without purchasing another set of plans from SAhouseplans.co.za.